Tips 5 Best Time-Saving Tools to enhance your writing skills. Summary: "Every writer needs a companion when they are writing. That companion could be a cup of coffee or some writing tools. Explore the best of the 5 writing tools suggested by content majestic to enhance your writing skills." 0 Door closed! Music on! A mug of coffee on the desk! A perfect ambiance for a writer isn’t it? Do you feel like grabbing a pen and paper or a laptop? I feel the same! Table Of Content 1. Draft; an intelligent writing tool! Draft Features: 2. The Hemingway Editor; everyone needs an editor! Hemingway editor’s Features 3. Readability Score; Check your level of writing Readability Score Features: 4. Evernote; the one-stop solution for organizing Evernote Features: 5. Cliché Finder; Enhance your sentence structure: Cliché Finder Features: Conclusion: Writing is everyone’s daily job: 5 Writing tools as your best companion in writing! Every writer gets so many ideas but do they get the right tools to enhance their writing too? Nope! So here is the list of “5 essential tools suggested by Content Majestic that can help you in becoming a pro writer! Now let us explore these interesting tools. Tool #1: Draft; An intelligent writing tool! The online word processor that track down the number of words one writes daily. Every writer needs some cool feature to enhance their creativity in writing, so here are some important features which can create a huge advantage to one’s writing skills. Draft Features: The work is AutoSaved by the processor.A friend can suggest edits on the write-upYou have the right to accept or reject the suggestion.One can compare the new draft with an older one to know the productivity. Sounds like writer’s best choice tool isn’t it? Tool # 2; “The Hemingway Editor”; Everyone needs an editor! Hemingway Editor is a tool to check their grammatical errors and sentence structure. Does your write-up have consistency in it? Does it look appealing to visitors? Hemingway Editor is your tool to check all these stuff through its fantastic features. Hemingway editor’s Features: Grammar check tool to make your writing flawless.It makes your writing healthy by enhancing consistency.It will check your readability score.It guides you about the changes you have to make to improve your writing! Amazing isn’t it! An editor available online! You can do as many corrections as you need and nobody will have budge on their forehead because it is just an amazing writing tool! Tool # 3: “Readability Score”; Check your level of writing The world knows it as the “Readability Score” tool but at Content Majestic, we call it as “Smartness Tool” for writers. This tool is used to check the overall readability of the write-up. As it evaluates how smart the writer is! Meaning: Readability Score Features: Is the writer smart enough to be concise?Is the writer using unnecessary jargon?Does the writer know his audience?What is the level of the writer a person is? Tool # 4: “Evernote”; The one-stop solution for organizing: This is an app for organizing the write-up. The one-stop solution for organizing a writer’s life; when lots of ideas just pop up in mind it is better to save them somewhere. Evernote Features: It syncs all the documents across the devices.It can organize files at one mediumThrough OCR (Optical Character Recognition) one can read messages on pictures and one can find them easily.One can record the important points then access them later for writing about them.Reminders and checkboxes are in the app for scheduling the writing. Thus it seems to be a complete package for writing and organizing a writer’s life. Tool #5 “Cliché Finder”; Enhance your sentence structure: The tool to highlight clichés in your writing that means sometimes writer use one-word a number of times or they use one sentence many times. Through cliché finder one can enhance the writing skills by perfect word choice. Cliché Finder Features: Remove overly used words, phrases or sentences from the document.Give a good vocabulary to one’s sentence structure.Enhance the sentence structure. Conclusion: Writing is everyone’s daily job: No matter either you are a student who has to submit an essay, a professional who needs to submit a report or a writer who just wants to share his thoughts with the world. These tools you need to use in daily life. Enjoy writer’s life ease by these tools. (1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading...
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